Stargazer Lillies

Stargazer Lillies

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Hand-wrapped bouquet of decedent lilies available for delivery or pick-up!

Our favorite type of flower is finally here! Scientific Name: Lilium, we now offer 'Stargazer' Lilies, which are a hybrid lily. Also known as, Oriental lilies these gifts of nature are known for their fragrant perfume, that envelops an entire room. Lilies are generally tall plants and are available in a variety of colors, with spots, speckles, contrasting edges.

We offer a variety of colors as well. Lilies are a genus of herbaceous flowering plants growing from bulbs, all with large prominent flowers.

Should last anywhere between 3-4 weeks depending on temperature of room they are kept in and care giving. Glass vase and flower food included within your order.

Schedule your delivery date or time preference with us at FLEURLUXESOCIALCLUB@GMAIL.COM OR by placing your order on DOORDASH.

Available for Delivery! on Doordash & Grubhub.



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