Multiple Yellow roses, Chrysanthemums, with Tuberose and green filler in a medium sized bouquet. This arrangement smells amazing! This bouquet emits a beautiful scent that will envelop the entire room. This bouquet has Tuberose flowers, and Tuberose releases a multitude of nuances. We find milky accents with very sunny and orange notes, tuberose emits a honeyed and almond side, like a fruity jasmine scent. It's dense, rich, and not sweet exactly, but very powerful. It smells distinctively tropical and summery and sweet.
Should last anywhere between 2 to 3 weeks depending on temperature of room they are kept in and care giving. Glass vase and flower food included within your order.
Schedule your delivery date or time preference with us at FLEURLUXESOCIALCLUB@GMAIL.COM OR by placing your order on DOORDASH.
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